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World War II Letter Writers


Jesse G. Dorsey worked at the Louisville Cement Company as the Recreation and Welfare Director. He started writing letters to former employees of the LCC who had joined the military in WWII. He also hosted parties for soldiers. These people in turn wrote him back. Dorsey saved these letters and they are now property of the library. There is more than just letters. These folders contain pictures, postcards, baby announcements, wedding announcements, and other such items.

In July 2007 and July 2008, Charlestown-Clark County Public Library received LSTA grants for the purpose of digitizing the letters and postcards in this collection. These images, which consist of 1606 letters and postcards, are accessible on the Indiana Memory website at Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence. Go to the Jesse G. Dorsey Collection of World War II Correspondence page to find out more about Jesse Dorsey and the work he did.

Note that not all these names listed below will have letters in the digital project. All of these people have some type of correspondence such as Christmas cards. Only letters and postcards were digitized. All of these folders are available for viewing at the Sellersburg Library.

Abramson, Stanley L. Couch, Hubert D. Himebaugh, Harry A. Morgan, Elson V. Mrs.
Achor, John R. Couch, Russell Himebaugh, James R. S. Murphy, Clifford E.
Adams, H. R. Cox, Eugene O. Hinton, Charles S. Murray, Margaret C.
Adams, Lester I. Cox, Henry C. Hinton, Harry S. Newton, Homer L.
Adamson, Beryl J. Crafton, Robert C. Hinton, James B. Orr, Albert R.
Allen, Marvin E. Craig, Carl E. Hinton, Ralph W. Payton, C. M.
Alvine, Jerry C. Craig, Ralph E. Hinton, Robert E. Pendygraft, Earl Douglas
Amos, Carl E. Creamer, Delmar Eugene Hinton, Wallace Raymond Perry, Anthony G.
Amos, Harry A. Creamer, Melvin E. Hoffman, Kenny W. Peyton, Carl Edward
Amos, Ralph Eugene Cremeens, Franklin L. Hoffman, Norman Eugene Peyton, James W.
Appell, Joseph R. Curtis, Carl J. Hoffman, William Toney Peyton, Ralph H.
Appell, R. E. Da Ponte, Joseph J. Hohl, Charles R. Pfund, G. C.
Applegate, Glen Marvin Daily, William E. Hostettler, Charles M. Phipps, Floyd C.
Armstrong, Loren F. Davis, Earl Jr. Hostettler, Herbert L. Pike, Joseph V.
Arney, Jim D. Davis, Norman L. Houchen, Emil L. Pope, Marion
Bailey, Elwood E. De Fabrizio, Al Huckelberry, Roland J. Popp, John Stanley
Bailey, John G. Dean, John H. Huckelberry, Victor H. Popp, Norma F.
Beaver, Robert W. Deich, Robert V. Huckleberry, Charles Mrs. Prather, Earl E.
Beavin, Franklin J. Del Grande, Antonice G. Hyatt, Dorothy Prather, Robert W.
Beavin, Robert S. Denton, Edward E. Jackson, James E. Prather, Victor E.
Bedell, Orval Jr. Doane, Orville W. Jenkins, Charles J. Pressler, Artie
Bedell, William Dodd, John N. Jenkins, Clyde Rasbold, William
Bell, Murray W. Dold, George M. Jenkins, Oliver Mrs. Rauck, John R.
Bell, Walter Scott Dold, Helen Kay Johnson, Glenn M. Ray, Frank Wilson
Berry, Kenneth H. Dold, Norman E. Johnson, Joe H. Reed, John W.
Berry, Paul O. Dorsey, Jesse G. Johnson, Robert Quincy Regan, Charles R.
Berry, Raymond D. Doughty, Charles Raymond Jonas, Robert E. Regan, George L.
Beyl, Bennie R. Doughty, Harold Robert Jones, Alvin E. Regan, Harry T. Jr.
Beyl, Donald Doughty, William Elmer Jones, Paul L. Regan, Jim
Beyl, Glen E. Drake, I. Bernard Jr. Jones, Warren G. Regan, Mark
Beyl, Ida Mae Dreyer, Clark Kahl, Melvin R. Regan, Robert Keith
Beyl, Jesse M. Eckert, Albert F. Karlinsky, Alvin Renn, Donald W.
Beyl, John R. Eckert, Ralph J. Kasse, Kenneth M. Renn, Herman R.
Bittman, Walter S. Edwards, Marion G. Kastl, Leslie Renn, Julius E.
Bodine, Harold Ehringer, Arthur P. Kennard, Calvin Coolidge Renn, Lenora
Bottorff, Garland R. Ehringer, Elmer Kesler, Robert B. Renn, Peter P.
Bottorff, Harvey Emond,  A. Mrs. King, Guy Renn, Urban H.
Bottorff, Jack G. Mrs. Estler, David S. Krajnak, Robert Resch, Charles W.
Bottorff, Lloyd E. Eswine, Willard Wayne Labbe, Norman G. Richards, Joseph A.
Bottorff, Morris E. Finkler, Richard Lake, Edwin G. Richardson, Charles A.
Bottorff, Oscar E. Fischer, Arnold G. LaMaster, A. Clinton Richey, Omer L.
Bottorff, Russel Fischer, Carson W. LaMaster, Claude Hamilton Richey, Wallace Eugene
Bottorff, William H. Fisher, Albert Lee LaMaster, George W. Riggle, Carl
Bowe, Herman J. Mrs. Fisher, Charles F. LaMaster, Norman F. Riggle, Floyd L.
Bridgewater, C. J. Fleenor, Virgil Lander, Chet Riggle, Jesse Earl
Bridgewater, Roy Chester Fleming, O. K. Langan, J. P. Riggle, John W.
Briggs, Orren L. Fontana, Dilio Langford, Louis N. Riggle, Laurence
Briner, Charles R. Forrest, Charles A. Langford, William R. Riggle, Robert H.
Briner, George R. Gantt, Lewis Jr. Lanning, R. E. Riggle, William E.
Briner, Theodore P. Gantt, Lewis Sr. Mrs. Lawton, George A. Rigoni, Renato
Briner, William I. Garland, Harry M. Layman, Joseph Riley, Carl M.
Brishaber, Bruce Ginkins, Albert Leach, Charles A. Riley, Iris
Broadus, Ora B. Gladden, Herman Leach, William H. Riley, Murrel
Broady, Kenneth N. Goodell, William F. Leap, Clifford R. Risko, Al
Broady, Leander J. Graf, Charles J. Lendue, Clarence W. Rivenburg, Leonard
Broady, Paul O. Grammer, James J. Linne, Clarence E. Schetrompf, Charles E.
Broady, Robert Lee Grammer, Jesse J. Lyden, Eugene P. Seever, Francis M.
Brock, Roberts F. Grammer, Lester E. Mahan, Eugene H. Smith, C. M.
Budd, Quenton M. Greathouse, Archie Mahan, Frances C. Smith, Walter
Burns, John J. Griffin, Robert T. Mahan, Paul Spahn, Mathew, W.
Byers, Cecil Grosbach, Henry G. Marsh, Mauly F. Mr. & Mrs. Spivey, Thomas Mrs.
Byers, John William Groskurd, Roy F. Martin, Russell Stanely, C. H.
Byers, Melvin Roy Grubbs, Lareau E. Marty, Andrew F. Stockdell, Vincent E.
Byers, Norman Quincy Guernsey, Alfred L. McCartney, H. W. Strutynski, Steven Jr.
Byrd, Erwin Guernsey, Francis L. McClintic, Clayton A. Sullivan, R. G.
Carlile, James G. Guernsey, Glenn McKinley, Leslie N. Swartz, Earl E.
Carpenter, Charles L. Guernsey, Harold E. McMurry, Alfred G. Swartz, Jesse L.
Carpenter, Paul M. Guernsey, Samuel R. Mellon, Charles L. Thacher, Homer J.
Carrigan, Loyd C. Guernsey, William L. Mellon, Hollis Thomason, John S.
Carter, Cecil Haas, Lloyd W. Mellon, Woodrow Tiffany, Gerald E.
Cauley, Irvin L. Hall, Arthur Meredith, William Towne, Robert V.
Chappell, Paul W. Hamilton, Ezekiel A. Meyer, Edward Trissel, Mae E.
Clegg, Ernest E. Hammel, Isaac Meyer, John M. Unknown Authors
Clements, William J. Hammon, Floyd Meyer, Sherman W. Veith, Philip E.
Cleveland, Charles Warren Hammond, Keith W. Meyer, Wilbur C. Venie, Samuel
Cleveland, Harry M. Hargesheimer, Ernest Edward Middleton, Charles W. Waiz, Charles J.
Cleveland, Helen Fern Hauck, Thomas Randall Middleton, George Henry Waiz, Mary Helen
Coats, Marjorie Hauselman, Ralph L. Middleton, William A. Walker, Nellie E.
Collier, Norman D. Hauss, Russell D. Miller, Edgar B. Watson, William R.
Collier, Robert R. Heiland, W. E. Mr & Mrs. Miller, Garland C. Weaver, Cornelius
Cook, Robert C. Henderson, Fred V. Miller, George Mitchell Whobrey, Frank
Cook, William F. Henderson, Jarvis D. Miller, Gratton C. Jr. Winch, Slyvester
Coombs, Glen E. Henderzahs, Clarence G. Minasian, Kenneth Wolf, Joe
Corly, J. Mrs. Henson, Marion E. Missey, Jack Woods, Richard Raymond
Cortner, Arthur H. Jr. Herbst, Edward J. Money, Charles E. Woods, Vernie M.
Couch, Darcie Kenneth Hibbard, James M. Money, Margaret Wormeck, Norman F.
Couch, Gilbert Hill, Nettie M. Moore, Jack B. Yer, Eng W.
Couch, Homer Hill, Roger Morgan, Elson V. Zihala, John
  Himebaugh, Gilbert J.    
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